Child Safety Policy

Safety Procedures

At Jamie’s Academy of Dance we are constantly reviewing and improving our procedures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and families.

1. Physical Safety

1.1 Drop off & Pick Up

Students Under 10 years of age MUST be walked into the building prior to their class and collected from the kitchen at the conclusion of their class. If parents are running late or have made arrangements and staff are aware that the student will be waiting for their parents, these students must wait inside the studio until their parent or guardian arrives.

Please let staff know if you have made prior arrangements for your child to go home with another student’s family.

1.2 Class Activities requiring special attention

- Teachers are to ask permission, followed by an explanation of ‘how’ and ‘why’, when students participate in acrobatics activities that require spotting and physical contact to aid in a safe and successful execution of a move. This creates a space for the student to be

aware of what is happening and the opportunity to self moderate who is allowed in their personal space.

- Taking Children to the toilet: you may assist preschoolers in the cubical if they require help, otherwise respect student’s privacy and wait in the bathroom for them.

1.3 Venue

Children are permitted to play on the playground, ONLY if they are under the supervision of their parent/guardian.

Students under 10yrs are NOT permitted to stand outside the hall without a parent.

Students must arrive at the studio with suitable additional clothing covering and protecting their leotards.

1.4 Class Equipment

Mirrors - Students are notified that they are not to touch the mirrors.

Barres - Children are not allowed to swing on the barre

Acro Mat - Students are not to sit on the mat when it is rolled up

The mat can be rolled out for Acrobatics class and must be neatly rolled back up at the end of class. This should be done with the assistance of older students in the last few minutes of acro so as to not take up the time of the next class.

Ready Set Dance/Ballet props - Must be packed away securely at the end of every class so other students do not play with the props.

1.5 Teacher Punctuality and Supervision of Students

Teachers should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their class starting time. This is to ensure the studio and stereo are set up ready to go. If it is the first class for the day then time is needed to turn on all the lights/heating/cooling etc.

If parents are late to collect students and further classes are running, bring the student into the studio to watch the next class. If it is the last class of the day, you may access their telephone number via the DanceBiz app.

For safety reasons, when leaving at the end of the night please ask a parent to kindly wait until you are finished and securely in your car with the doors locked. Please take special note of your surroundings, as it can get very dark and secluded, especially in Winter.

1.6 Performance Spaces & Technical Equipment.

Students should place their bags to the outer edge of the studio so they have plenty of space to dance. Do not let students play with the stereo equipment.

1.7 First Aid

There is a First Aid Kit in the filing cabinet. Teachers may apply bandaids and basic first aid with the help of an ice pack located in the freezer. Upon assessing the situation, if non-urgent you may call the parent (phone numbers can be found in the DanceBiz App) However if serious and you cannot make contact with the parent or guardian, and your judgement is that you need emergency assistance asap, please call for an ambulance via 000.

All Incidents are to be reported and an incident form completed, these can be found in the filing cabinet.

1.8 Allergies, Medical Conditions & Action Plans

We are in the process of becoming a NUT FREE venue. For the safety of all our students, if you pack a snack for your child, please make a conscious effort to make it a nut-free option.

2. Emotional Safety

2.1 Behaviour Management

If students are displaying unacceptable behaviour, please follow these three steps

- Get down on their level to communicate with the child in a calm voice, investigate as to why they are displaying such behaviours and follow up by explaining that it is unacceptable and why.

- If a student persists with unacceptable behaviour, you may dismiss them from the group to take a moment to sit and reflect on their behaviour. If this course of action was to occur, you must notify the parent/guardian at the conclusion of the class and discuss appropriate actions or discussions before their next lesson.

- If behaviour is especially serious, please escalate to Jamie by noting the incident/s down on red flag scaffold, and further action will be taken by Jamie to follow up with the parent/guardian.

2.2 Bullying

At Jamie’s Academy of Dance we have ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying. Any reports of bullying from students or parents will be acted upon immediately.

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.

It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.

Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records).

Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents, conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

2.3 Acceptance & Embracing Diversity

- Wheelchair access is a non-negotiable for all of our performance venues.

- We are flexible with our uniforms and costume requirements and may be worn to accommodate each individual student’s needs.

- Teachers are trained to adapt lesson plans as required so that all students can participate at their own level.

- Open lines of communication exist between teachers and parents in order to create a ‘toolbox’ of techniques for each student with special needs.

2.4 Teaching Methods and Pedagogy

We know all children are different and learn differently, therefore a variety of teaching techniques are required. Verbal explanation as well as a visual demonstration should be used.

Talking quietly and bringing yourself down to the student level to engage them is essential. Using classroom techniques such as a clap of varying tempos can also be used for the students to copy or a simple hands on head. We do not yell over the noise to gain their attention.

2.5 Mental Health

If a student approaches you for advice that is not in your area of expertise then you may supply the child with a phone number of a professional.

Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800

2.6 Positive Atmosphere: Verbal Instruction & Feedback

Common phrases teachers use at Jamie’s Academy of Dance

‘You did it!’

‘Do you mind if I...?’

‘Hello James, it’s so good to see you!’

‘Hello Sophie, How was your day?’

‘Well done Ava, I am so proud of you’

‘I would love to give you a challenge for you to practice at home’

2.8 Positive Atmosphere: Body Language

Body language is very important and we expect all teachers to stand like dancers. Do not lean or slump over the barre or chair. Do not teach sitting from a chair. If a ballet class, walk around and make corrections.

It is very important that you make eye contact when you are conversing with either staff, students or parents. When a new parent arrives, please make it a priority to introduce yourself by name and who you are to their child and be sure to shake their hand. A firm handshake shows confidence and is a lovely gesture when meeting someone.

3. Artistic Safety

3.1 How we respond to mistakes

At Jamie’s we embrace mistakes as an integral part of learning. Mistakes are met with acknowledgement, discussion and praise in the knowledge that they will help our students grow.

3.2 Encouraging Artistic Risk-Taking

At Jamie’s we understand that achievements in the arts are directly related to students feeling safe to take artistic risks within their class environment. Our students are encouraged to aim high and believe in their ability to consistently improve their artistic skills. Our team always empower their students by encouraging growth and expansion within their learning.

3.3 Freedom of Expression

All students at Jamie’s are made to feel comfortable expressing their opinions artistically. Our teachers applaud individuality and use student ideas and collaboration as often as possible.

Child Safety Code of Conduct

A Child Safety Code of Conduct lists behaviours that are acceptable and those that are unacceptable. It provides a high-level

statement of professional boundaries, ethical behaviour and acceptable and unacceptable relationships.

When individuals are clear about behavioural expectations, they are much more likely to act appropriately with each other and with

children. When everyone is educated about the Code of Conduct and the reasons it is so important to uphold, the Dance School

environment becomes much more transparent and people are accountable for their behaviour. Above all, a Child Safety Code of Conduct helps to protect children from harm.

The Child Safety Code of Conduct set out below is designed to stand alone. The Code is made available to all staff, volunteers, families

and students.

Acceptable Behaviours

All staff, volunteers and contractors are responsible for supporting the safety of children by:

· adhering to the school’s child safe policy and upholding the dance school’s statement of commitment to child safety at all times

· taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse

· treating everyone in the dance school community with respect

· listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child has been abused or that they are worried about their safety/the safety of another child

· promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (for example, by never questioning an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child’s self-identification)

· promoting the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of children with culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds (for example, by having a zero tolerance of discrimination)

· promoting the safety, participation and empowerment of children with a disability (for example, during personal care activities)

· ensuring as far as practicable that adults are not alone with a child

· reporting any allegations of child abuse to Jamie

· understanding and complying with all reporting obligations as they relate to mandatory reporting and reporting under the Crimes Act 1958

· reporting any child safety concerns to Jamie

· if an allegation of child abuse is made, ensuring as quickly as possible that the child(ren) are safe

· reporting to Jamie any charges, committals for trial or convictions in relation to a sexual offence by a staff member, or certain allegations or concerns about a staff member.

Unacceptable Behaviours

All staff, volunteers and contractors must not:

· ignore or disregard any suspected or disclosed child abuse

· develop any ‘special’ relationships with children that could be seen as favouritism (for example, the offering of gifts or special treatment for specific children)

· exhibit behaviours with children which may be construed as unnecessarily physical (for example, inappropriate sitting on laps)

· put children at risk of abuse

· initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes

· engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children (for example, personal social activities)

· use inappropriate language in the presence of children

· express personal views on cultures, race or sexuality in the presence of children

· discriminate against any child, including because of age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability, sexuality, ethnicity or disability

· have any online contact with a child under 16 years of age (including by social media, email, instant messaging, etc) unless related specifically to an approved educational purpose

· use any personal communication channels/device such as a personal email account with a child under 16 years of age

· exchange personal contact details such as phone number, social networking sites or email addresses with a child under 16 years of age

· any social contact with a child online must abide by the acceptable behaviours listed

· photograph or video a child without the consent of the parent or guardians

· work with children whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

· use illegal drugs on studio grounds or at any Jamie’s Academy of Dance event

· consume alcohol at the studio or at Jamie’s events in the presence of children (unless on those occasions where appropriate authorisation has been given).

Our Child Protection Program includes a Staff and Student Professional Boundaries Policy that provides detailed guidance for all staff and volunteers (direct and indirect) on how to maintain professional boundaries between students and adults at Jamie's Academy Of Dance.

Call us: 0407 182 515
Find us: Scout Hall - H.E. Parker Reserve, Heathmont Rd, Heathmont, VIC

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